Welcome to the Duddington with Fineshade Parish Council Website
Our website serves the Parish of Duddington with Fineshade and has two main aims:
- to allow parish council documents and information to be easily distributed and made available for everyone to access online;
- to display information relating to the community in order raise awareness of what is happening in the Parish.
The website is run by Duddington with Fineshade Parish Council for our Parishioners and aims to offer a useful information resource and be an online hub for all matters relating to our Parish. We hope you find the website easy to use and that it helps you to keep connected to the activities of your Parish Council and the local community.
Please get in touch if you have any suggestions about how we might improve the website.
Parish Council Meetings
Meeting dates are generally the first Tuesday in February, April, August, October and December, (dates may be subject to change). The Annual Parish Meeting, AGM and Ordinary meetings are held in May on a date confirmed at the April meeting.
We are keen for you to get involved with your Parish Council! We invite you to attend as many meetings as possible so that you can contribute to and influence the development of your local community.
Residents can speak during Public Time at the beginning of each meeting (no notice needed).They can also speak for 3 minutes on agenda items, however the Clerk needs at least 24 hours notice. Contact details of the Clerk are: Richard Reed, 01832 732688, richardreed01@btinternet.com.
Details of the agenda and minutes of the previous meeting will be posted on the village board and also on the website Minutes and Agendas page of the website